How much does an estate plan cost?
So this can really differ from attorney to attorney, and it's definitely an area where you get what you pay for an online DIY estate plan can cost as little as $20 but it can guarantee a lot of headaches and heartaches for the people that you love. So you want to find an attorney who's going to draft excellent legal documents for you, and think about what a complete estate plan looks like for you, for your family, your assets and your legacy. You want to make sure that your attorney is going to stay in touch with you. Most law firms will send you off into the sunset with an estate plan binder and not reach out to you again. The problem is that your life is going to change. Your family is going to change. Your assets are going to change, and the law is going to change, you need an attorney that's going to stay in contact with you to make sure that your estate plan grows and changes with you.
I also recommend that you find an attorney to prepare your estate plan on a flat fee basis, not an hourly basis. If an attorney prepares an estate plan on an hourly basis, you don't know what it's going to cost. You also might be afraid to contact your attorney and ask them questions, because you don't know how much it's going to cost you to call them. That's not the best way to do an estate plan a flat fee basis allows a client to call whenever they have a question and to know that their question is going to be answered without worrying about it, driving up the price. Every estate plan at our office is done on a flat fee basis. This gives our clients certainty about the price. It's agreed in advance, and there are no surprises if you're comparing those fees to other attorneys who may be charging less, it's important to compare apples to apples.
Some attorneys will charge less, but do not pay attention to how you hold your assets, and make sure that you hold them in a way that works with and not against your statement, you also want to make sure your attorney will be there when your plan needs updated. Over time, your family is going to change, your assets are going to change, and the law is going to change. Make sure that your attorney is reviewing your plan at least once every three years to see if any updates are needed to make sure that it works the way you want it to a good estate plan is going to protect your legacy and ensure that it's there for all the people that you love. An estate plan is more than just legal documents or passing on things. It's about capturing who you are as a person and making sure that that is passed on to everyone you love and everyone you care about. We include a legacy video in all of our estate plans, because capturing what makes you you and preserving it for your loved ones is an important part of the estate planning process.
A complete estate plan will also include an asset schedule that makes sure that nothing you own is ever lost to the Department of unclaimed property. So an estate plan is more than just a will or a trust or a simple legal document. It is a comprehensive plan that protects everyone you love and everything you build. If you have any questions about what an estate plan should cost, give us a call, and we're happy to walk you through that process.